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Here we specify the definitions of objects and terms used in our benchmark specifications.

Unweighted Graphs#

We consider both undirected (symmetric) and directed (asymmetric) graphs in GBBS. We refer to graphs as G=(V,E)G=(V,E), where VV is a set of vertices, and EE is a set of edges. Each edge consists of a pair of vertices (u,v)(u,v).

When not specified, we assume that the underlying graph is directed. The concrete formats supported by GBBS for unweighted graphs can be found in the formats page

Weighted Graphs#

We also consider weighted graphs in GBBS, which we refer to as G=(V,E,w)G=(V,E,w) where ww is a weighted function w:ERw : E \mapsto \mathcal{R}. We refer to the weight of a (u,v)(u,v) edge as wuvw_{uv} The benchmarks always specify the range, R\mathcal{R} of the weight function, unless the algorithm is oblivious to it.


We use distG(u,v)\mathsf{dist}_{G}(u,v) to refer to the shortest path distance between uu and vv in the graph GG.

We use diam(G)\mathsf{diam}(G) to refer to the diameter of the graph, or the longest shortest path distance in GG between any vertex ss and any vertex vv reachable from ss.


Many of our benchmarks return α\alpha-mapping, which are objects that provide access to α\alpha's over a specified input domain. For example, an int-mapping for the domain [0,n)[0, n) can be represented

  • using an array of nn ints, or
  • using a function from the domain to an int (implicitly represented).

The only requirement is that the returned object implements an array operator, and can be accessed at every index in the domain.