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Compiling the Benchmarks#

Using Bazel#

You can build the benchmarks as follows:

# For Bazel:
$ bazel build //... # compiles all benchmarks

Note that our bazel configuration file builds optimized binaries using the-c opt mode by default. You can build a debug binary by explicitly supplying the -c dbg option to bazel.

Using Make:#

First set the appropriate environment variables. For example, if you would like to compile with Cilk Plus first run export CILK=1. If no options are set, the default is to use the homegrown scheduler. After that, build using make.

$ cd benchmarks/BFS/NonDeterministicBFS # go to a benchmark
$ make -j # build the benchmark with all threads

Cleaning the Build#

The following commands cleans the directory:

# For Bazel:
$ bazel clean # removes all executables
# For Make:
$ make clean # removes executables for the current directory

Other Build Options#

Graphs with more than 2^32 Edges#

To compile codes for graphs with more than 2^32 edges, the LONG command-line parameter should be set. If the graph has more than 2^32 vertices, the EDGELONG command-line parameter should be set. Note that the codes have not been tested with more than 2^32 vertices, so if any issues arise please mail

Specifying Different Schedulers#

To compile with the Cilk Plus scheduler instead of the Homegrown scheduler, use the Bazel configuration --config=cilk. To compile using OpenMP instead, use the Bazel configuration --config=openmp. To compile serially instead, use the Bazel configuration --config=serial. (For the Makefiles, instead set the environment variables CILK, OPENMP, or SERIAL respectively.)